What/When/Where Widget

Designed as a set-up and forget tool to be used exclusively on single event pages, the widget prominently displays the most in-demand info ticket buyers look for in the form of the event name, dates/times, ticket price, ticket purchase link, Venue name, and a Google Map link. Better still, it automatically lists related info for each event occurrence. All that’s needed is enable the widget and Venture does the rest. It’s also a terrific solution for keeping page footprints as small as possible.

Navigate to “Appearances>Widgets” and drag the Venture What/When/Where Widget to the container where it should appear. You will then be able to edit the widget settings.

WWW Widget

  1. Title:
  2. Include:
    1. All Occurrences:will show all event occurrences regardless of date.
    2. Future Occurrences Only:will only show occurrences set in the future of the current date. Once all occurrences have past, nothing will be displayed.
  3. Date Format: The default setting (F, j, Y) will produce a result that uses [Full name of the month], [day of the month], and [year in four digits]. You can findĀ all available combinations here.
  4. Save: Any future edits will be pushed through to the frontend automatically.