Archived Lists Layout Settings Panel

Archived lists function the same way as regular lists except they only display events that have been marked as archived via the global setting on the Venture Options > Event Archives (Pro) settings panel:

…or the per event setting, which by default is set to apply the Global default option but will override that when different:

Both locations provide the following display options:

  1. Always display in archives
  2. Display after last occurence ends (think of this as automatic archiving once an event has passed!)
  3. Do not display in archives

The archive list layout settings panel allows you to create a mutually exclusive default listing layout. As such, please refer to the Default Event Lists Layout Settings Panel tutorial for instructions.

Default Event Lists Layout Settings Panel Article

Usage Tips

  1. In most cases, one or more occurrence values will not be needed, such as ticket purchase and ticket price meta.
  2. The Occurrence Status modules work great here thanks to the ability to clearly label an event as past on the frontend display.