Mailchimp Automated Event RSS Email Campaigns

Overview of New Functionality

After installing and activating, you will find the following new admin panels and features:

  1. New “Event Feeds” menu item.
  2. Create New/Edit Event Feed admin panel

Getting Started: Create A Feed

  1. Title: required but only used for admin purposes. We recommend using a descriptive title.
  2. Feed Type: 
    1. Upcoming Occurrences: this will include all event occurrences for future dates regardless when the event was published.
    2. Recently Added Occurrences: this will use the publication date, regardless of occurrence date, to determine if events should be included in the feed.
  3. Date Range: 
    1. When upcoming occurrences is used, the date range is applied to the occurrence date.
    2. When recently added occurrences is used, the date range is applied to the event publication date.
  4. Display order: select ascending or descending. Uses occurrence date for both upcoming or recently added options.
  5. Categories: select at least one.
  6. Seasons: select at least one.
  7. Venues: select at least one.
  8. Feed Layout: this works exactly the same way you’re used to seeing in the layout settings panels. Just drag over the event items you want to appear in the email campaign and VEM does the rest!
    1. In order for the “Occurrence Fields” to apply, you must have “Occurrences” module in the Event Field’s “Include These” column.
    2. For more information on using the drag and drop layout editor, visit the Event Listings Layout Settings Panel documentation.
  9. Publish/Update your feed.

Using The Feed Inside Mailchimp

This is where things get super easy!

When creating the automated campaign, just paste the Event Feed’s URL into the “RSS feed URL” field.

That’s it.

In fact, if you visit the Event Feed URL in your browser, you’ll see all of the familiar RSS formatting.