Event Seasons

Seasons are a required taxonomy for all events. They are used to help you group events in chronological fashion, such as a season or partial season, as well as providing a way to filter their display in/out of event calendars and listings.


  1. Name: Enter the season name. Unlike categories, this is for admin purposes only and will notappear on the frontend to site visitors.
  2. Select the “Add New Season” button.

Note: we do not recommend manually setting the slug, parent, or description settings unless you are an advanced user an are already familiar with how they work inside WordPress.

To edit an existing Season, hover over the season in the list to the right of the screen and select the “Edit” link via the popup sub menu. You may edit the name as desired. Any change will automatically push through to any single event page, calendar, listing, or event widget that was currently assigned to that season.